Raw caffeine
DEFINITION: Caffeine of natural origin, extracted from the coffee during the process of decaffeination, containing impurities composed of the dust and film of the coffee, waxes and water in a percentage of 30-40%.
PRODUCTION PROCESS: See production process chart. The dichloromethane used for the extraction of the caffeine is sent to a stripper where it is separated by evaporation from what is extracted from the coffee and fully recovered. The caffeine, the waxes and dust not retained by the production filter remain at the base of the distiller. These products are dissolved in warm water and sent to the caffeine refinement division where the separation of the waxes by decanting takes place (waxes, being lighter, float on the aqueous caffeine solution). The aqueous caffeine solution, containing dust and residues of waxes, is discharged in metal tubs into which the crystallisation of the caffeine is induced by natural cooling. Subsequently, the product is subject to centrifugal force in order to remove the excess water and to the packaging in polypropylene bags.
USES OF CAFFEINE: The raw coffee, produced and sold by Demus, then requires additional refinement to reach a purity of around 100% for use by companies operating in the pharmaceutical, nutritional and cosmetics sectors.