
Demus has always been attentive to the customer, the Environment, the Safety and Health of workers. It continues to obtain new and important certifications.

The spontaneous adherence to International Standards Reference is made in view of Total Quality in a tangible confirmation of the high standard of the product and the production process.

The certifications obtained to date are:         â€‹â€‹

    ISO 9001 certification of its Quality Management System in 1999;

    ISO 14001 certification of its Environmental Management System in 2010;

    OHSAS certification of its Occupational Health and Safety Assessment in 2016. 



​Following a careful direct verification to determine compliance and effectiveness of the Management Systems with the reference standards, certifications were issued by DNV, independent organization that deals with ensuring compliance with procedures and operating methods. All certifications are reviewed and updated through regular monitoring by the third entity. ​​

​The certification of its Quality Management System ensures the company's quality, ensuring products and services that satisfy customers.   â€‹â€‹    â€‹â€‹

​With regard to the environment, the company has made significant capital expenditures to improve its performance. Given the specific nature of its production technology, the effluent treatment plants have been developed, designed and manufactured by its staff assisted by external consultants. This virtuous cycle has been completed by obtaining the prestigious ISO 14001 environmental certification. By obtaining this important recognition has become everyday practice the search for a steady improvement of its performance in the environmental field.​

​The certification of the Safety Management System and Health at work according to OHSAS 18001 is designed to identify and manage potential risks and hazards at work, going far beyond the mere and already onerous legal requirements. Demus by formulating objectives and policies of the Health and Safety of Workers, decided once again, to comply to international standards and that to maintain a high standard of safety for its employees.​

​DNV (Det Norske Veritas) is an accredited institution for certification of management systems for quality, environment, safety and product. It is an independent foundation established in Oslo (Norway) in 1864 that deals with risk management and working to safeguard life, property and the environment. DNV GL Group consists of 15,000 employees operating in over 100 countries. Today DNV GL is well positioned as a global player in the maritime, oil & gas and 'energy, as well as in food and health care.​

Our laboratory is accredited by ACCREDIA - LAB n ° 0887 -  â€‹It ​ operates according to the standards set by the UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025.  â€‹â€‹ 

​The company also holds the Kosher certification for export in Jewish markets for its products.​

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