Quality controls

Quality controls are carried out systematically by our Demus Lab laboratory(accredited  ACCREDIA - LAB n ° 0887 - operates according to the standards set by the UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025Each batch of coffee is checked before processing, in accordance with the provisions of our HACCP manual, as well as after processing, when the following controls are carried out in order to comply with the current regulations:
  • Analysis of the residual caffeine content – not in excess of 0.1% (Italian Ministerial Decree  of 20/5/76 and subsequent amendments) or lower on the specific requests of the client  
  • Analysis of the residual solvent – not in excess of 2mg/kg in roasted coffee (Decree No. 158  of 4/8/11 – Dir. 2009/32/EC) 
  • Analysis of the humidity content – not in excess of 11% (Italian Ministerial Decree of 20/5/76 and subsequent amendments).
Should one of the aforementioned parameters exceed the limits imposed, a system of internal alarms is activated that blocks the despatch of non-compliant goods. As laid down by our internal procedures, the batch is thereafter submitted to a rework process in order to bring the legal parameters within the limits, without, of course, any additional charge to the client.
The dichloromethane used for the decaffeination of green coffee must have specific chemical and physical characteristics and be of very high purity, suitable for nutritional use, as laid down by the Decree No. 20 of 20 July 1987. 
Demus, in accordance with its internal quality procedures, systematically verifies these characteristics, thereby ensuring the absolute process and product safety. In addition, as regards the residue of the dichloromethane, the process is calibrated in order to generally respect the limit fixed by law for the roasted coffee (2 p.p.m.) on raw coffee too.   The roasting, reaching temperatures greater than 200 °C, usually reduces this residue under the limit that can be detected by the instrument.